Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Welcome to Ratchippu Ministeries

The Mission of our Ministries is to promulgate the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The minisry through Ratchippu Tamil Monthly Magazine is the key one. Apart from this, our other ministries such as Tract Ministry (Good-Seeds), Intercessory prayer towards the local church (Prayer-Window), Sermon delivery in Mainline Church services & social media and book publication Ministry (Good-Tidings) are also the integral part of our mission in our journey towards our Vision.

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New Lecturer Meeting

Verse in Versions

தமிழ் வேதாகமங்களின் ஒற்றுமை திரட்டு
பதிப்புகள் வருடம் 1840 முதல் 1998 வரை

Online Teaching

Ratchippu Family Events

Photos of various events
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Higher Education

Prayer Window

Joint Prayer
II, III & IV Friday

Good Seeds Image

Good Seeds

Tract Ministeries
20 title Tracts on distribution

Christian materials

Those who want Christian materials like Verses images, Tracts, shorts, badges, stickers, magazines, Articles etc. are welcome to visit

Bible Quiz

Page to answer Bible Quiz, Cross words, Bible reading schedule and other interesting stuffs

Today Verse

Facts About Our Ministeries

Readers Participation
Magazine Circulation
Visitors count
Quiz Winners

Notice Board

Praise the Lord
  • Phone Number
    +91 97899 14463
  • Email Address
  • Office Address
    4/2A, Bharathi Street Gandhinagar, Saligramam, Chennai - 93.
  • Website URL